YasKia S.A.

In our company we are dedicated 17 years ago to the activity of marketing and logistics of fish and seafood.

We provide logistics services, freight and unloading of ships to several Patagonian fishing industries, we carry out this activity with last generation equipment, having the port authorizations of the Province of Chubut to be able to operate in the ports of the Province, which are Puerto Madryn, Puerto Rawson, Puerto Camarones and Puerto Comodoro Rivadavia.-

We Commercialize basically austral prawns (Ploeticus Molieri) in our highest percentage of sales from four vessels that operate in the Port of Rawson from the months of September to April of each year.-

Our products are frozen on land by plants authorized by the authority of -SENASA application- and with the authorizations to export this product to the countries with demand for our seafood, this process is carried out with high quality standards, due to a handling in principle from the capture in the boats where the shrimp is well conditioned, washing with sulfite and reviewing the drawers, all this accompanied by an efficient logistics for the transfer and unloading once arrived at the port of the shrimp boats to the refrigeration plant is moved quickly for processing and frozen, with experienced staff at each stage of process.-

We are a company that considers us small but with an auspicious level of growth in the shrimp market Being our company of local capitals and settled in the area, it positions us in a strategic location, today the Port of Rawson is one of the most important in Latin America with more than 100 ships operating in season.